Posted by StillHopefull on May 24, 2010, at 21:12:03
In order for the placebo effect to work, is it necessary that one believe in the treatment?
Perhaps this is a question for the alternative board, but I posted it here because there are more participants that might respond...
I ask the question in reference to the neurofeedback treatments I have been receiving for the past 4 weeks. Before the first treatment I was VERY depressed - constant crying and suicidal ideation. These bad feelings left immediately after the first treatment. And after a total of 5 treatments I am feeling better today than I have for years.
But, I don't really believe in neurofeedback. It just seems like pure quakery to me. I don't understand how such a thing can really be effective. Yet here I am feeling so much better since starting treatment. So could it still be a placebo effect even when I think the whole thing is hogwash? Or could it really be working?