Posted by mellow on April 19, 2010, at 21:11:25
In reply to BP type 2, adderall + mood stabilizer?, posted by WithRandomPrecision on April 19, 2010, at 16:15:42
I am Bipolar type 2 and I take both Lamictal and Celexa. I can vouch for lower libido and a little less creativity, but i don't think it is a deal breaker in my case. Those are very common complaints with anyone who takes psychotropic medications. Oddly enough Celexa is thought to be one of the least intrusive SSRI's in regards to side effects. I certainly am willing to work a little harder in those areas in exchange for the stability and clarity the meds bring. Those are very common complaints with anyone who takes psychotropic medications.
How long have you been taking that cocktail and what are your doses? Are you taking any other drugs? Can you still reach climax in the bedroom or are you totally shot?
Adderall could be flirting with fire. I've been tempted with stimulants too, but if i were taking Adderall during a mixed or manic episode i would be insane!
Have you considered other outlets for your creativity such as a blog or a new craft?
Keep us posted.