Posted by F00TBALL on March 29, 2010, at 19:06:02
For a little background, for the last year I have been dealing with severe side-effects that occurred during and after a few months of taking Lamictal. These include a horrendous short-term memory, extreme difficulty reading (I think related to the memory problems, I will read a line and immediately forget what I just read), difficulty following conversations/television/movies, losing my train of thought, ADD like symptoms involving concentration and focus, and frequent headaches.
But perhaps what is most interesting (and potentially helpful to figuring out what the hell is going on) is how differently stimulants affect me post-Lamictal, when compared to before.About three years ago I briefly took Adderall, with no major side-effects. Soon after I was on Provigil for about a year, with zero side-effects. But now, when I take either of them, even the fairly mild Provigil, I get severe side-effects that include chills and headaches. Could it be some sort of chemical imbalance, or lack of a nutrient, or something along those lines caused by Lamictal? Anyone have a similar experience or any idea??
I have no idea if this is in anyway related, but I also have to pee more then anyone I know, and wake up multiple times every night and am considering getting tested for diabetes insipidus. Can anyone here connect this to Lamictal or the other side-effects?
Thanks for reading my ramble, and any information would be incredibly appreciated. I have dealt with anxiety and depression (some of you may remember my posting a while back), but this is a million times more frustrating and confusing.
I'll try and answer any questions.
Oh, and I am not particularly depressed anymore (I know that that could account for many of the symptoms, but I'm certain this is something different).