Posted by bleauberry on March 19, 2010, at 20:11:58
In reply to Any new meds 4 depression/ocd/anxiety coming out?, posted by mogger on March 18, 2010, at 0:10:20
> It seems like for years we have all been talking about the same drugs and I am wondering if there is in fact any new drugs that are coming out soon?! There has got to be something different out there that can be more effective in treating all our symptoms.
As far as meds that are specifically called "antidepressants", no, I'm not aware of any blockbusters in the works.
But your question highlights the incredible weakness of psychiatry that we all fall prey to, doctors included.
That is, why do we attempt to treat symptoms and yet totally ignore causes? Symptoms don't just show up for no reason. There are many things we can do as home experimentation to probe for causes and cures.
The way we approach psychiatry almost unanimously defies that there is a cause. Before even attempting to find a cause, we have already given up and not even stepped over the starting line. When I say we, I mean us patients and doctors alike. What we do instead is throw 100% of our efforts and faith into drugs that perform a few percentage points better than a sugar pill. And ignore the entire rest of the picture.
The best they might do is check thyroid or fasting glucose. Even if they find something there, hardly ever, because even those tests are interpreted wrongly (that's another whole chapter), why exactly is the thyroid messed up? It didn't just happen for no reason.
Here are some drugs that have improved and cured depression that are not found in the psychiatrist prescription pad.
Diabetes meds
Various anti-inflammatory meds including the above.Here are some lifestyle changes that have cured depression resistant to the best drugs:
Organic veggie based diets, meats allowed but not the main attraction.
Blood-type diets.
Gluten free diets, commonly also dairy free.
Removal of amalgam fillings.
Removal of amalgam fillings followed with a year or two of low dose frequent dose chelation rounds.
Experimentation with supplements of B6, B12, B1, folate, zinc, chromium, magnesium...singularly at first and then in various combinations.
Here is a for-example. Gluten intolerance is far more common than suspected. What happens here is the villa in the small intestine are damaged by the reaction to gluten. With the resulting damaged absorption, as well as whole molecules of undigested food entering the blood stream, a wide array of mental and physical symptoms can result, spanning almost the entire medical dictionary. The toxins and immune reaction in this whole process flood the brain with some depressing chemicals that psychiatric meds just don't have any impact on. Increase serotonin and dopamine all you want, that isn't the problem, and thus not the cure.
The toxicity of these high tech times, chemical farming, and such, as well as poor food choices, way too many sugars, and general lifestyles of stress and speed, provide superb breeding grounds for overgrowth of gut yeast, systemic yeast, and killing off of our friendly bacteria that protect us from normal exposure to bad pathogens. A lot of people have seen their depression, brain fog, aches and pains, and fatigue disappear with dedicated anti-yeast food choices, sometimes herbs and meds.
Amalgam fillings. Geez, that's a whole book.
My point is, while the industry spends millions of dollars on research for drugs to improve mood; and while patients and insurance companies spend millions upon millions of dollars to try to manage these drugs; and doctors ignore opportunity after opportunity into infinity to do some basic exploration of their patients; we as a society reinforce with each step that there is no cause of depression, there is no way to find a cause of depression, so we might as well just not even try, and instead place all of our bets on some weird chemicals that do weird things in the brain and in fact have nothing to do with the reason our depression came to be.
I am pro-psychiatric drugs, so don't get me wrong. I'm just saying that while we spend 99% of our time on that issue, we ignore the rest of the picture. More realistically, I believe the rest of the picture should get 75% of our attention, and the psych drugs about 25%. Instead, it is 0%/100%. Makes no sense to me. The sheer folly of mankind on display.
What makes it even more folly is that a great deal of diagnostic work can be done right at home. No need for expensive tests, tests that don't exist, tests that can't be trusted, faulty interpretations, or doctors. The greatest gift any of us can seek is wisdom. With it, our chances of feeling better increase huge.
There is a lot we can do on our own to be good detectives.
Given a choice, would I rather treat the symptoms of my depression, or would I rather treat the cause of it so the symptoms don't exist anymore? Obvious answer. Almost. In reality, I want to treat the symptoms temporarily in the near-term, and that means a psych med. But, when it doesn't go as planned, I don't want to get bogged down in that. I have to continue with the real focus, which is fixing what is broke, while continuing with short term intervention of symptoms. It is not an either-or situation. It is a both-at-the-same-time situation. The real focus is on fixing what is broke, which a psych drug won't do.
These kinds of posts always generate some heated opponents who think drugs are the only thing in the universe that can cure depression, so we'll see what happens. I am completely respectful of their stances.
Here is a new drug however, back to the original topic. It was recently released in USA for Fibromyalgia. It is not classified as an antidepressant in the USA because the maker chose not to take that route with the whole expensive political game of the FDA (another chapter). In the rest of the world it has been a top performing antidepressant for years. It is a top performer in Japan.
The drug is called Savella. So if you are looking for a new and different antidepressant, there it is.