Posted by bleauberry on November 23, 2009, at 18:14:53
In reply to Theraputic fasting, posted by linkadge on November 22, 2009, at 19:41:02
Fasting has always been claimed to be a good way to boost mood and health. Something about cleaning out the blood.
I suspect there may be several possible things involved.
One, if there is any kind of unsuspected yeast problem in the intestines, one will obviously feel better not eating. That's because as long as there is food in the intestines, some of the undigested molecules are getting through the intestinal lining directly into the bloodstream. It's a result of yeast's effects on changing the permeability of the lining. Results can be one or all of the following, varying in degree from minor to major, depending on the level of infection...brain fog, depression, fatigue, overwhelmed immune system.
Could be a blood sugar thing, but I would not suspect that. With your instincts and knowledge you would have already suspected that and ruled in out/in.
There is the possibility of being intolerant of or sensitive to certain foods. That usually leads back to the infection thing though. It is easy to rule out the common ones...gluten and casseine...with 2 week elimination diets.
Other than those thoughts, who knows. Maybe your body uses more tryptophan than phenylalanine and you get a too-much serotonin down feeling. Or vica versa, whatever the genes are doing, making too much of something, not enough of something else.
With a long psych history with chemicals drugs, the gut/yeast is the most likely culprit as I see it. Stress is hard enough on our good flora gut bacteria. Common sense tells me the drugs we take very likely are not friendly to our flora, and thus give an opportune environment for natural yeast to inhabit and multiply in ways they were not intended to. I believe it is highly underecognized and underdiagnosed.
Just my two cents.