Posted by Vincent_QC on November 20, 2009, at 5:54:05
In reply to Re: Vitamin d3 anyone? (nm) » metafunj, posted by morganator on November 20, 2009, at 1:32:13
Hummmm... not only the Vitamin D3 doesn't help at all... but all the others ones didn't help either!!!
Also, Vitamin D3 are simply Vitamin D... since only Vitamin D2 and D3 exist, they only use Vitamin D3 in the "not so" natural product now... because it's the one who is more well metabolised by the body... Vitamin D2 is not avaible since a while... so all the Vitamin D supplements are from D3!!!
One day I fall on a website where they claimed that taking high dose (1500 to 3000 mg/day) of Vitamin B3(nicotinic acid or niacin) has the same effect that taking Valium (Diazepam)...
What a mistake and a lost of money...
Peoples don't think that natural products are not natural at all... and higher dosage of vitamin B can be well as any others vitamins...
Peoples think that because it's sell in the "NATURAL products section", that's mean that it's safe and without side-effect!!!
We are lucky in the Canada cause "Health Canada" will do a clean up of the natural products avaible to sell in the drugstore or anywhere else!!! It's a new law and all the vitamins or any other not so natural products , who are judge not safe at all, will be remove from the market...
Anyway, in the Canada, the number of natural products avaible is a lot more limited than in the will never see products like L-Dopa, GABA or Inositol sold in pills format here...
Anyway with the Vitamin B3, I had side-effects of cardiac arrhythmia, flushing, indigestion... and the list goes on... I used it for one month... I was not aware that those side-effects was comming from the Vitamin B3... I see no improve... no decrease in my daily intake of Rivotril... felt nothing except side-effects.... I do small research on google and find out that those side-effects was linked to Vitamin B3!!! So I stop using it and my state return to the normal... no more flushing or arrhythmia...
One thing to remember... no natural products can replace the meds and have a benefict effect on the anxiety and depression!!!
And no, i'm not a PRO-meds... I lived a long time without using them to manage my anxiety... but with time, it's seem that anxiety always return in force have remission for years and after you have anxiety for years... that's always on and off...
Yeah, they sell Omega-3 pills everywhere or 5HTP supplements and claim they are good for the mood... that's just b*llsh*t... Omega 3 pills are only good for the heart... nothing else...
Also, higher dosage of Vitamin B (Vitamin B1 (thiamine), Vitamin B2 (riboflavin, Vitamin B3 (niacin or niacinamide, Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine, pyridoxal, or pyridoxamine, or pyridoxine hydrochloride), Vitamin B7 (biotin), Vitamin B9 (folic acid)
Vitamin B12 ) are used in the "Red Bull" energy drink... If someone with anxiety problems like panic attack drink one bottle of it, i'm sure it will triger panic attacks on that person...In the USA, they sell energy pills and drinks everywhere... you stop at the gas station and they have the bootles of pills just near the cash's like nobodies are aware of the VERY BAD and DANGEROUS effects of those energy drink or pills...
Ho and the green tea or the white tea... very popular also... in pills format.... very bad also for anxiety!!! Yeah, it's a very good antioxidant... but that's not good for the mood or the anxiety as well...
Anyway, a lot of studies on PUBMED point out the fact that vitamins supplements of any kind are not good for anxiety and depression...
That's my point of view, and the one of a lot of Doctors who do research on that field...
Someone who will have a daily healtly diet will never had to use vitamins supplements...
Little exception of peoples who need them because they had a gastric by-pass, like me... but well that's another story...
And no, i'm not frustrated... or angry... i'm just tired to read post about Vitamins or other natural products... they don't work for depression or any others mood disorders...