Posted by Jonathan Weaver on October 5, 2009, at 16:33:42
I had my third 'mental break' this past April. Previous mental breaks occured in College and then again at 27, now 34. For the first break I went on Noratryptaline and Serzone followed by Zoloft. The combination worked and lifted me out of my depression. I was off antidepressents for a couple years and then I had a break at 27. I went on Effexor, and although miserable to get on, it helped lift me out of my break. To note, I have been in psychoanalyes, 4-5 times a week, since age 25. My third break occured last spring. I attempted to come off Effexor at the time as I felt pretty good prior to the break. I crashed hard and have had a tough time with finding the right meds ever since. I have tried all sorts of combinations with no relief. Right now I am taking the Emsam patch (12 mg), 2.5 mg of xyprexa, and 200 mg lamictal. I am somewhat less depressed than I have been in the past 6 months, however the feeling of boredom is out of control. Could the meds be causing this? I have never felt this feeling before. I find myself struggling to fill time and socially disconnected although I have a good amount of friends. Any advice or similiar experience?
poster:Jonathan Weaver