Posted by Zyprexa on September 22, 2009, at 15:12:25
I've been taking perphenazine for the last 1.5 years. Zyprexa for the last 11 years. When I was taking geodon high dose and reduced zyprexa, I gained diabetes, but not weight. Well I quit the geodon about 2.5 years ago and started abilify, my blood sugars went low and I had to eat a lot to keep them up. Well I quit the abilify and went back on zyprexa. At first the blood sugars went up again, I was taking 30mg. Now I've been down to 10mg for the last year. My blood sugar have slowly gone down and now are almost normal. I thought zyprexa was making sugars high but I guess not?!
What do you think? I've gone from needing 2000mg metformin down to 500mg and I'm not even sure I need that. Is it posible the diabetes is not from zyprexa?