Posted by bleauberry on August 31, 2009, at 20:55:00
In reply to To bleauberry, posted by Jeroen on August 30, 2009, at 9:21:55
> Hey Blues :)
> i just took ibuprofen for teathflesh infection, it completelly lifted the pain in 30 minutes
> my mood slightly improved like 6% during the dayThat is cool. I like the Advil liquid gels the best, they work so fast and seem better than the generics. Whatever works is good.
Hey, no news here, you know I've had a strong hunch all along that something else is going on here. Inflammation from some source has to be considered a player. A piece of the puzzle.
Here are some strange stories:
A patient with serious depression not doing well with psychiatric medicines has to, in a totally unrelated situation, get some dental work done. There is periodontal infection under the gums. Fairly common, especially with anyone with physical or mental illness. Anyway, the antiobioticc that killed those germs also killed the depression.
A magazine article highlighted a case of psychosis. It was discovered by accident when the patient was taking an antiviral med for an unrelated reason the psychosis slowly went away.
A show of TV called Medical Mysteries has a similar documentary. Actually, there are quite a few of these kinds of documentaries.
Anyone who knows me knows that I believe most of the chronic stubborn illnesses we see right here at pbabble have an easily identifiable cause.
Some of those causes have a direct impact in upsetting serotonin, causing portions of tryptophan to convert to toxins instead of serotonin, dopamine, genes turned up or down, clogged receptors, and probably the biggest offender of all...inflammation...and such.
Therefore we can find benefit in psychiatric meds or herbs because they can help to build a bridge over a roadblock or make a new path around. But since the meds do not actually stop the problem, getting a complete fix is rare and lucky.
Ten years, 20 years...I mean, at what point does someone finally see that their symptoms are coming from something that psych meds are missing. Do they ever see? Is their unique powerful human thought process fenced in by statistics and claims of manly researchers? Do they scoff hunches, theories, and anecdotal evidence all the way to the grave? It is written all over the walls, but so many people have narrow glasses that only allow seeing what is directly in front of them.
Doctors and researchers are raised to the heights of gods. They have no more proof that this or that works than do the thousands of mothers that cured their children of serious problems on their own initiative when deterioration was occuring under the best care of the doctors.
We bow down to their diagnosis. We entrust that the strange molecules they guess for us will magically fix everything, and then we are puzzled and frazzled when that doesn't happen very often, and the thought process is so fenced in that the only see-able option is to add yet another of those strange molecules.
Psychiatry can and does do wonders. Don't misunderstand me. Helped me a lot for a few years. But so do Las Vegas gambling tables. Both however snare the participants' attention from seeing the fortunes available everywhere else, and both snare the participant into the folly that infrequent miracles justify playing hand after hand long past a reasonable time.
Advil sometimes perks up my mood a bit with some energy too. Very strange, but another med that does that for me Viagra. I have never been able to figure that out. Something about blood flow, nitric oxide pathways, or inflammation. Dunno.
In any case, what I like in your recent posts is that your eyes seem open to spot clues that maybe you would not have seen in months or years gone by. You are gathering pieces of a puzzle that will lead to good discoveries. I say, if Advil slightly improves your mood, that is significant. It is, as was Amantadine, a strong clue to someone with awareness of the big picture outside of pscyhiatry's inherent limitations.
Psychiatry is after all a specialty focus, far from looking at the whole person. Limited scope. Limited knowledge, limited experience, and limited creativity by those who live in it or practice it to recognize or diagnose bodily functions that cause the very brain problems they strive to treat.
At this point, we can fairly safely add these themes to the detective's puzzle:
Something about dopamine, but we don't know what yet. We do know that antagonizing it with antipsychotics does not do anything good in this case.
Something about inflammation, but we don't know from where it comes. Infection of some sort is an almost universal cause, with a possibility of immune dysfunction, which would have likely been made dysfunctional from an infectious organism.
Something about Amantadine. Hmmm. Was it antiviral mechanism? Was it dopamine mechanism? Was it one of its other mechanisms?
Something about Seroquel. It worked for a short time. Why? Was it the antihistamine reducing inflammation response? Hmmm. Was it something about norepinephrine? Something about blocking serotonin receptors?(probably not, since the other APs did that mechanism too).
So ya know, with some clues, things are still mysterious at this point, but it is a more refined defined mysterious rather than an infinite guesswork mysterious.
There is a medicine or an herb that is going to help you immensely. I firmly whole heartedly feel that in my instincts. I totally believe it. I see it. It will probably be something a psychiatrist never thought of. In the meantime, while continuing to explore clues, it does make sense to keep trying psych meds to lessen symptoms. Just don't count on them for a cure. And venture outside the box. We know with almost certainty that victory for you is probably not within the antipsychotic category. Don't know why, just that your history proves it. That itself is another clue to add to the list.