Posted by iforgotmypassword on August 20, 2009, at 12:23:08
Not noticing any effects. Maybe harder to wake up, not refreshed at all. This could just be part of my usual pattern tho.
One night I took two instead of one (i.e. 50mg), I may have noticed somewhat peaceful feelings the next day. Nothing amazing.
How much longer should I give it? It seems I can only go up to 50mg officially after 2 weeks. Given the huge amount of legal song and dance that went into getting this drug, I don't think my doctor will break the rules.
I am likely an atypical case compared to many trying the drug. I am anhedonic, can't focus or remember anything that I'm doing. Akathitic. Cannot stop moving/talking purposelessly. Brooding on negative, cannot let go of negative, cannot respond to any positive, or see anything that inspires me. Emotionally cannot handle much. Annoying to be around. Obviously won't be taking any classes this semestre.
I think the only thing that may change that is tandospirone, due to my response to buspirone after liver enzyme wipeout by nefazodone. Usually consider highdose buspirone out of the question given the D2 antagonism, and the complex tardive syndrome i never got rid of. Have no idea how i will get tandospirone. Would consider aripiprazole if it weren't so strange, and so linked to movement issues. It is not available under normal circumstances in Canada, have little or no transportation options to cross the border.
I think I need to get the focus to get ANY info on rx'ing tandospirone for my doctor, to have the least time wasted between this trial and the next. If he wants to go through this process again with another company, doubtful unless Dainippon Sumitomo just sends it and doesn't have a song and dance beyond the easily obtained government approval (like how Sanofi-Aventis just gave me amisulpride, but charged a fair amount.) I don't know if Dainippon Sumitomo has any offices in Canada tho.