Posted by shasling on May 30, 2009, at 16:18:15
In reply to E-Patient, posted by ricker on May 30, 2009, at 15:04:47
I agree,also there is the saying "dont do anything without consulting your doctor"yess always make final decisions with him,but i think thiss saying is primary prone to a time when all there really was were a pdr,and a doc who could read and understand it now.
Times have changed,opposed to a paragraph or two,we now have at our hands the ability to search published articles and abstracts,to read personal experiance from tons of users ranging around the globe,we now have the ability to read chemical make up,yes the actual chemistry of drugs,check interactions,and so on and so on.
This is a far cry from pre net days.Now i know its a touchy subject,even with this people get angry with even the idea that a person is encrouging another to do something without their doc.Well i respect that postion,but im sorry,i personly CANT stand around and suffer and put my health in the hands of one person,in fact i think its lazy for me not to put my heart and soul into everything i can do to help myself.
So yess i read,i collect info,i bring it in to docs who normaly until i found a good one seem to get defensive when i did.Sime logic says a doc who sees me less then a half hour every few weeks will have the time to put too much thought into my sickness.
Me however,i put my heart and sould into reading and searching,i put my blood into since i first learned how to use the net,i read it all,and in all honesty i found the most help in findings on the net.
A doc knows about many conditions so no im not smarter then a doc,i hate when people say"your smarter then a doc" NO!However in this one particular sickness i just might be,ive gone relentless knights reading books net documents etc,and maybe just maybe i know a bit more on this one small topic,is doesent matter lets just work togther,swallow prides and fix me.
Last i agree some look for a magic bullet,i gave that up a long time ago,now i just behave like a solider fighting a war and look for stuff to pack my aresnal with,i listen to my body when im sick and try to treat it.
However id be lying if i dont keep my eye open for that one site people missed with BANG a magic bullet,we all can hope right,friend saw my pc and expected to see porn,and said u have no porn just this med stuff,im so behind lol.