Posted by Komet on May 24, 2009, at 0:57:37
I need some input as to how/whether to end a long time use of Klonopin.
Some background. W/O Klonopin (or other benzo) I have GAD and the occasional panic attack as well as fairly persistent insomnia. If I'm really being good about watching stimulants, avoiding all stress, getting sleep and exercising, GAD and panic attacks are mild and rare.
However, I also have a stressful and demanding career that requires long hours at work, little time to exercise, lack of sleep, and of course, I need coffee to get through the day sometimes. All of these are my triggers for anxiety. Throw in insomnia for a week or so and I'm likely to end up in a full fledged panic attack (if not otherwise medicated).
OK, so roughly 5 years ago I went from taking Xanax on an as-needed basis to daily use of .5 of Klonopin. On this dose, I sleep soundly at night, I function without GAD and never have had a panic attack. It has been a very useful drug over a very difficult period of my life.
I drink very moderately (a beer or two a week, I maybe have been drunk once in last three years) and have no other chemical dependencies or history of chemical additions - though I do have a fairly powerful internet addiction.
That being said, I do worry about long term usage and impact on cognitive ability and memory. I also think I lack motivation because of the medication. Though I know I'll never completely live without Klonopin because I never ever want to experience another panic attack, I would like to get back to an "as-needed" basis.
I guess my question is, given the above, is ending my daily usage of Klonopin even a desirable thing. I have to admit, its been very helpful and while I recognize that usage of Klonopin has been a problem, and even nightmarish for some, I seem to have no tolerance issues (never need to increase the dosage). I am worried that if I quit, however, even slowly, that my pre-use anxiety will return.
OTOH - I worry that persistant long-term use is ultimately a bad thing regardless of whether tolerance and increased dependency is a problem for me or not. I worry that my brain isn't functioning as well as it should, in a profession that requires a very high level of cognition. I did take .5mg of Klonopin on a daily basis through law school and still managed to finish in the top 1/4 of my class at a top school (but who knows what I would have be capable without it).
So, is it worth going through withdrawal only to return to GAD and panic attacks to gain back or do less damage to my ability to use my brain to its ultimate capacity. Or, given that I seem to do OK on Klonopin without the need to increase dosage over time, should I spare myself the anxiety and stick with daily use.