Posted by Frustratedmama on May 23, 2009, at 17:33:28
Has anyone experienced uncontrollable anger attacks? These "rages" seem to occur "out of the blue" for me; are uncharacteristic, and are unable to be stopped. They are unprovoked bouts of anger that result in screaming, anger outbursts, and even throwing things at times. Anyone else experience this? If so, what helps? I am desperate for help! This is ruining my life- thinking of ending it if I can not find a cure. I am a parent and my child is living with Mommy dearest now! Please help! Please respond! Anger management classes are a joke- as I am not angry over anything - it's like someone else is controlling me! Please help! I am currently taking Librium to deal with it to no avail. AP's AD's, and Mood stabilizers have not helped to date (this is a new symptom though- within the last 9 months). I will call pdoc tonight (saw him yesterday- added Librium) but that doesnt seem to be helping. I am in need of some serious help and fast!