Posted by tonyz on May 13, 2009, at 14:24:13
Unfortunately looks like my depression has come back in full force. Mood had been ok just had a huge problem with sleep alternating between 3hours to maybe 4-5 hours. Now I am very distracted. Doc knows that I am not happy about taking meds because of side effects, and although I had taken SAM-e in the past with some success I mistakenly tried that route again and I think I need to stop. Here is what I did - took 400mg for 3 days then 600 mg for 3 days, then then 800mg for 5 days, 600mg yesterday and none today.
Doc is putting me back on Nortriptyline and Seroquel. Started with 25mg of Seroquel last night and I only slept for about 2.5 hours, took another 25mg no effect. Had been taking remeron at 7.5mg for the past 8 days.
Doesn't seem to be doing much now.Sorry for the long posting, but I am really scared about the SAMe. Does anyone know if I will have a problem stopping it so quickly. My mood and distractability really started taking a nose dive Monday night - I was still at 800 mg on the SAMe. I have also noticed a little shakiness and some eye pain.
I should mention I had been doing divided dosages of 400mg 7:30am and 400mg at 12:30pm
I just hope that I am doing the right thing. Grateful for any assurances.