Posted by metamorphosis on February 20, 2009, at 10:58:07
I'm on my first day of Parnate.I have GAD,SAD,and depression and I'm trying to absorb as much information as I can concerning dietary/and medication restrictions.I have alot of questions and I appreciate all who respond.It seems like my psychiatrist is overly cautious on this.I think he goes by the old dietary restriction list.
Some specific questions I have as far as food is concerned:What cheeses are considered okay and which are not?I know aged cheeses should be avoided.I'll miss cheddar but what specific ones are okay and which are not?As far as canned soup and broth goes are those restricted?A broth I currently have has no listing of yeast extract on the ingredient list.Is that considered safe along with canned soup with no yeast?I don't know if all canned soups have yeast in them.If so then I quess no soup at restaurants.Is coffee okay as I drink 2-4 cups in the morning?
As far as medications:
my doctor said I cannot take trazadone even at low doses(25,50mg)I've read of people taking low doses with no problem.If thats the case is Diphenhydramine out of the question?What other meds can be used for sleep that won't break the budget.I have no insurance.Also is Ibuprofen okay?
What other GABAergic,DP,NE drugs are safe to use on it?I do take Klonopin but don't want to be on it for years.Are all stimulants out of the question?I've heard of Vivactil and I know there's many more out there.Which can be used?Finally Parnates general side effects:I realize that ones reactions can vary from anothers.What are some intial side effects I might experience?Is it considered a more stimulating or sedating drug?Does it cause weight gain(hope not),weight loss or is it neutural.Also is it known to cause sexual side effects(loss of libido,erection problems etc,)?Finally how long does it take to notice therapeutic effects with it?How effective did it help with GAD,SAD,and depression.I know this depends on the dose,Right now I'm on 30mg a day.
I apologize for all the guestions but this is new territory for me and I'm a bit nervous but also optimistic.I thank all those who read this and could respond to any of the hunedred questions listed above!