Posted by rjlockhart04-08 on February 19, 2009, at 13:35:51
Alot of people here known me very well in past, i've matured, stopped alot of impusive ways.
But to get the point, there has been just this "blunt thoughts, or frozen anxiety" and it really irrataties me, and any job i have, this "inhibition" is caused something from anxiety, or so many nueron firing. I know, medically, do not have Epelipsy at all. The only siezure i had was from Wellbutrin at 450mg, and it caused a "psedo-siezure", stopped it right then.
But, through out 2003-4 i was on Clonazepam .5mg
didnt last very long, Lorazepam 2005 1mg X 3 daily, but it's effects, it did not help at all with dyphoric anxiety, or irrtiblity. Xanax was then tried, and success, right when it taken, it will lower all "aura", panic, and anxiety. Ex: I've had some episodes, looking back, dissocition: feeling i'm in another reality, or not real ; "dream-like". Also, bad circumstances had happen while, it was occuring so i thought, i was in a nightmare. Panic spazes would go so far, sweat, red eyes, nearly faint, no conception of what's going on. 2mg Alprazolam, taken with 15min, it an extent
-Ex:it's the feeling of "after" running a marathon. Breath, come back to reality.Alrazolam lasts 2 hours duration, very short. And, i dont enjoy redosing. Xanax XR has been considered, but it doesnt work as the immidate release 2mg's do. It takes a long time to start working, and the millograms are slowly released. So, that's something that, i know wouldnt be a good option.
Lamitcal...i've read tons, about it. It's a mood-stablizing, anticonvultant. And, maybe this could be a good option, because "irrtiblity" leads to bad moods, then dissocation. Any imputs, on how this could help?
And also, i've asked about.....basically anything that lowers electrical voltage. I don't have epilesy, high electrical voltage. So, i've asked my psychiatrist about a barbiturate...not short acting (those are the worst, Nembutal). I have to understand, there not "standard" anymore.
Seroquel 100mg-200mg i've taken for sleep, and it's.....causes dyphoria it'self. Taken down to 50mg, it was ok. Sometimes, i'll take when i'm so irrtible, or bad mood, to just "wipe out all emotion". Not being saracastic. Seroquel isnt anticonvulant.
Thoughts, imputs? really would be apprieated, because i get more "learning" about medication adjustment, here, than a 15min session with my Psychiatrist. Please just leave a thought.