Posted by beaches09 on February 19, 2009, at 6:14:34
In reply to Please post your MOCLOBEMIDE / Selegiline Experien, posted by beaches09 on February 9, 2009, at 15:32:08
How did this turn into a thread of having to explain myself when I was inquiring simply about Moclobemide..
Skipping step 2? I know you are being nice and trying to help and I appreciate that. But, only using the limited information of me I have provided here and the last near decade of my life spent screwed up and in this horrible state as a result of "going through the whole tons and tons of meds ordeal" in the past is more than enough to qualify me for treatment by the means of whatever it takes..
As far as meds go if we want to talk about hardcore drugs, if you ask me, hardcore are the kind of drugs that alter your brain chemistry and get you addicted and cause numurous other health problems. Being just about the majority of antidepressants/mood stabilizers/benzos/stimulants drugs out there. They screw with the chemicals in your brain. In no ways different than illegal street drugs do. They just happen to be milder and have much longer half lives.
As long as you follow the dietary restrictions which are no big deal and don't take OTC drugs which I don't anyway, An MAOI is quite actually a much better and safer for your body/brain choice for long term use. Which is what I will be needing, something for long term use. Not a temporary fix me up. They target the problem directly and as a whole, instead of permanently screwing with and altering your brain chemistry like other drugs leaving you cracked out and withdrawn for a very long time. An MAOI withdrawal is 14 days until the enzyme replaces itself and that's it, you are off and back to normal, no biggie. And it corrects the underlying issues first hand all together, no having to play around with this, play around with that, ohh that didn't work lets feel cracked out for a month while we try this, or try that, and try that, oh wow tons of years gone by still not better.
I very much believe as you say an Effexor/Wellbutrin combo would quite possibly be a wonderous working unit for me, especially with the addition only if needed adding a stimulant. But those are all hardcore drugs. Just because they are on the market and FDA approved doesn't make them safe to take for even a single second. As I know how I am, I've finally come to the understand that I will probably need meds for my whole life. So I am thinking long term and those are not long term drugs. On the contrary they are also extremely difficult to get off of unless you are willing to either taper off for a long time and feel less than better for that long time, or quit cold and feel like death for still a long time just not quite as long. Wellbutrin has some issues that are coming to surface lately, but Effexor most especially has a very long rap sheet for being anything but safe and is very physically addicting. Stimulants sure they are great, but any smart person should know first hand those should only be taken as needed and not even be put in the consideration to be a part of some kind of long term treatment.
All that being said though. Because of the profession that I will be getting back into when I come out of this Major Depression I am not going to have the luxury of being picky about my food and I am already VERY VERY VERY underweight as it is and I will be needing to gain that back. So as much as I do want to get started on the proper get to the point kind of treatment, I am going to have to put that on hold until a later date until I will have the opportunity to be able to use it within the guidelines.
And that's fine. I guess I don't have to be miracle cured for now. I am so low beyond low and have been this way for so long that I don't even remember what it's like to live, so anything that helps will be like winning a million bucks. So I'll be trying a softer regimen for now, a small combination of things that worked in the past along with something new. But clean and safe drugs that are easy to get off and don't have a large list of adverse effects. This should most definitely be good for however long I find useful, and if/or the time comes to move on to the MAOI whenever that may be.