Posted by katecmm on February 13, 2009, at 13:39:08
Hi everyone, Help. I have burning tongue syndron, so I have to be very carefull about dry meds. I also have vestibular nuritis, so I have to be very careful about dizzy medications. I am on 45 mg of Nardil and it hasn't kicked in yet. I stoped taking my Oxycodone because my tongue is feeling better. I can't sleep, then of corse I pass out mid day. I was on Nardil years ago and I took Phenobarbatyl, but I am worried about being more dizzy. I tried Benadryl last night and am so dizzy and so dry. My husband wants me to just try and sleep. I am also on 2.5 mg Klonopin for my tremor and sleep. Also on Tegratol for tongue pain and sleep. Also on Verapimil which is a mistake but it helps me sleep, so I stay on it. I was going to try magnesium, meletin, camomile tea, etc. I could go back on the oxycodone till the Nardil kicks in and I feel better about not being able to work, drive, eat etc. All thanks to a botched surgey. Then I could try to sleep without help. What are the chances this will go away, Thanks Katcmm