Posted by bleauberry on February 2, 2009, at 16:50:13
In reply to I speak out in defence of MAO Inhibiter, Nardil., posted by Chihuahua on February 2, 2009, at 4:42:03
For months after the Nardil reformulation was done, this topic was huge all over every forum around the world in every country. You are probably only one of thousands worldwide who have experienced a different nardil.
The new nardil still works good for some people who took the original. It caused relapse in many others. Results from batch to batch are suspect. Scientific forum people claim it is the absorption rate of Nardil that is now screwed up. Some of the inert fillers it used to have actually had a very important role in the absorption of the active ingredient. Some people claim that doses considerably higher than what they used to take will work, but that side effects become intolerable at those doses.
Marplan might be a decent substitute? It's hard to find any negative comments on Marplan, maybe because it is so rarely used, or maybe because it is a good med? I only mention it because chemically it is more similar to Nardil than Parnate is.