Posted by bleauberry on January 13, 2009, at 16:37:40
In reply to What's the deal with silver amalgams?, posted by HyperFocus on January 12, 2009, at 21:50:36
Ok, so the FDA is the all-knowing never-wrong god of drugs, right? Well, most of us know how incorrect that is. I just want to point out the same scenario exists with the ADA. It is merely an organization of like-minded beauracrats, made of humans, of which the species is flawed and imperfect. The greatest of men and the greatest of organizations have all made disasterous mistakes at one time or another.
To put it into perspective, you should know that while 2/3 of dentists follow ADA guidelines, 1/3 do not.
If it could be scientifically proven how dangerous amalgams are, do you really think the ADA is going to admit that kind of massive mistake and have it and all its dentists sued by millions of people? Come on.
The most obvious proof of amalgam danger is logic. Consider the following.
Amalgam removed from your teeth does not go into the trash. It has to be handled as hazardous waste, and it goes to a hazardous waste dump. BUT, it was ok to have it in your mouth just inches from your brain?
The history of amalgams is fascinating. Did you know they were never FDA approved? They were started by a group of dentists, later adopted by ADA, for a couple simple reasons. First, it was cheap. Second, it was easy to work with. They assumed that since the mercury was solidified it would pose no problem. They never considered that it might crack, break, corrode, or...emit mercury vapor.
There is a website that shows mercury vapor rising from an amalgam in an extracted tooth. It is rather stunning. It looks like a wisp trail rising 24/7, but turns into a smoke stack when rubbed with a pencil eraser simulating chewing.
Some people get mysterious chronic illnesses years later. Some as early as a few months later. Some never get ill. As with everything, it comes down to our genes. Some people have very good detox genes, some don't. Some people accumulate toxins at an abnormal rate due to weak glutathione pathways, among other things.
The chronis mysterious illnesses of amalgam illness are familiar names. Depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, autism, dementia, parkinson's, MS, chronic fatigue, FM, digestive disorders of all kinds, organ weaknesses of all kinds, and cancers. Why? Where ever the mercury finds its home is where the damage is done. Its favorite homes are in the nervous system, liver, kidneys, and intestines.
Mercury halflife is 30 years. Once the vapor has been absorbed into your cheeks and stomach, it circulates for a couple days before it tightly binds to its permanent home inside you. The only thing that can loosen it is a double sulfur molecule.
The best book on the topic is called Amalgam Illness, by PHd Andrew Cutler. Unlike most authors, he himself was chronically seriously ill. He was healed by removing amalgams and then chelating with low dose frequent dose DMSA and ALA. DMSA is a strong sulfur prescription med that pulls mercury and lead out of hiding in the peripheral body, while ALA is one of only two substances on the planet that can enter the brain barrier and remove mercury. The other is cilantro. Dr. Cutler goes into great detail on the history of amalgams, how the mercury gets out of the amalgams and into you, where it goes, and what it does. Very detailed, very scientific, packed full of references, backing, and proof, as well as his own experience and research. Some of the book is medical lingo, hard for someone who hasn't been to medical school to understand. Much of it though is understandable to an average person.
Read the book and your doubts will be gone. You will be hard-pressed to find any way to refute the facts.
Yes, amalgams are extremely harzadous. That's why they go to the hazardous waste dump after they are pulled out of your teeth. Until then, the mercury vapor soaks into you in a low level chronic poisoning situation 24/7.
Mercury is the second most toxic substance to the nervous system on the planet. But it is perfectly fine to put it in your mouth. Ok. Sure.
Read the book and get the amalgams out.