Posted by shasling on October 28, 2008, at 14:53:24
Just FYI.There is a famous abstract on the use of MAOIS particulary Parnate in combo with stimulants,mostly amphetimines.
Personal advice from a user of the drug,a veteran of it of ten years plus.....THIS COMBO CAN KILL YOU.
Yess the article speaks of it,but it also mentions it was done under direct supervision of the docter.
My personal view is it can be done,however it should be used when parnate hits a sticking point,and depression is skyrocketing,the addition of a stimulant then can help retune parnate and possably return the patient back to a normal state.However for reasons such as these,i believe it should then be removed,continous use of a parnate/amphetamine cocktail does not have enough data to back it up,and until then it should be as its noted,very very dangerous,not for the average maoi user.
I know veterans do this,and a veteran maoi user is unique,usual they know the maoi well,and can tell when something is wrong and how to handle it etc.But someone on the drug for a short time should not consider this a option,rather look for other safer augmentations.
I for instance have found average caffiene tabs such as vivarin to be more effective and safer,also i have heard of safer stims such as modfanil added.
Of course this is my view,nothing more,i am not a docter,so i am not advocating or vice versa this,im just sharing my experiance and view,anyone on a maoi should use the method they are supposed to use to inquire about actual med changes,i.e their doc and such.