Posted by rjlockhart04-08 on October 14, 2008, at 10:30:18
Howdy folks,
Currently still on 2 15mg Spansules in morning, lasts 6-8 hours depending. The dose is not at correct stable point, i'm going in tommorow to see my psychiatrist. Well all i know is the the correct dose, will be a correct treatment. I dont know, if it's 2 spauslues in morning/ 2 spansules in afternoon? 3 spanusles in morning/ 3 spansules in just depends on patients, but the dose isnt working, but of course the "drop off" at around 3pm or 5pm always happens.
I read Zinc is good, but does it help with Cognition? And Mamentine..its a cognitive enhancer, i read. Not a stimulant, help with thinking.
Apologize, I should support and talk about meds with others. But, i would just like some advice. About Zinc, and the getting on the correct dose of Spansules (current 30mg) writing has improved so much over the last 4 years. So, i hope i put everything is "absolutly" understantable.