Posted by Nuala on September 24, 2008, at 16:00:20
In reply to Re: Best SSRI for post-steroid HPA axis suppressio » nuala, posted by Phillipa on September 24, 2008, at 15:35:19
Yes, even low doses significantly decrease ACTH and cortisol.
This is an interesting article
The atypical antipsychotics olanzapine and quetiapine, but not haloperidol, reduce ACTH and cortisol secretion in healthy subjectsYou can get the whole article if you click for the pdf. likely never should have been put on the Seroqeul to begin with, as I had hypothyroidism untreated for many years, and likely concomitant adrenal issues.
Now, with the suppression of my HPA axis and adrenals following the steroids, the effects of
the Seroquel are really bad.You see, some people (according to what I have read in the literature) who do well on antipsychotics of this type, are those who seem to have a hyperactivity of the HPA axis and/or elevated cortisol. I think the newest atypical antipsychotics are designed with this effect in mind.
I did some reasearch and found that a large majority of antipsychotics have this effect, some have an equivocal effect, and I only found one so far that actually raises cortisol...Fluphenazine.
But, I think the same can be accomplished with an SSRI. I worry though, that I read that prolonged use of an SSRI, can cease to have an elevating effect on the HPA axis and sometimes tired ones adrenals. But I am not sure there is agreement on that point, at least I have not read it as yet.