Posted by paulboston on September 6, 2008, at 20:54:30
Yes white grape fruit juice will increase your level of methadone, also using certain antacids will also help. There is a list of medications of the addiction forum website, try to google that site.
good luck and remember methadone is most dangerous for non-tolerant opioid users, never give a person who is a naive to opioids methadone the half life is way to long and they could be hurt, use short acting medication;s and also get some narcan nasal spray incase of a accidental overdose. 50 people die every day in the usa from a opioid overdose, please do not be one of them. Use harm reduction tools to use safe if you have to use at all. We must stop lieing to people and tell them the truth about how to use in safty before more people die.
I got off opioids by using suboxone. It also is very good for pain.
Take care,Paul