Posted by atmlady on August 19, 2008, at 22:18:53
In reply to Re: The stakes are too high., posted by Hygieia's Bowl on August 19, 2008, at 18:42:58
I agree with you, Hy.
As much as I rant on about the evil Lexapro, and despite the 10 or 12 or perhaps 100 other people on babble who also cannot tolerate Lexapro, I know there are 1,000,000 or more people out there who love Lexapro, who don't experience weight gain or sexual side effects. I wish I was one of them. I REALLY, REALLY do.
Unfortunately, I am on on one of the short ends of the Lexapro-effectivity bell curve. I am on babble because I want to find a solution that works for me, not because I enjoy complaining about my pdoc or my symptoms. I'd wager that the majority of people on babble are like me, and that more babblers are lurkers than are posters. And when the lurkers DO post, you'll find that many of them have been on their current meds 2, 3, 10 years or so.
If you go back and search the babble boards going back a few years, you'll see the same pattern that exists today: a core group of 40 or so regular posters (those having major difficulty finding the right med) and the occasional random posting of a lurker. For the most part, the regular posters of of two years ago are not the regular posters of today. Could this mean they have found what they were seeking? The med(s) that worked for them? That's my assumption, and it gives me hope that two years from now, WE will have found our solutions, too!
Don't remember where I read this, but I love the saying "Leap, and the net will find you." Those of us who are experimenting, I view as leaping. When I lamented to my new pdoc that it seemed like I could either be happy, but fat and anorgasmic or I could be depressed, he threw up his hands as if, well, what can I do about it, that's just the way it is. But I'm not accepting that, at least not without a fight. I'm going to exhaust every avenue (because I have finally accepted that I need medication after years of saying NO NO NO). Maybe I'll find my magic combo in two years. Maybe in 20 years I'll just give up and say to heck with men, to heck with what I look like, I don't care, give me an IV of Lexapro. But either way, I think I'll still lurk on babble, still want to learn, still need the comfort of knowing I'm not the only one who refuses to settle for something less than the perfect anti-depressant.