Posted by WhatToDoNext on August 3, 2008, at 9:45:24
After failing all SSRI's, were trying this med.
I don't understand when I read the pharmacology about this drug. It says the half life is 20-80 hours. SSRI's are typically 24-26 hrs. But how can the half life be so spread out with Nortriptyline ?
Second question. MD started me on only 25mg daily with the 50mg of Zoloft I've been on for months. When I read the literature it says it can be given once daily or taken in 3-4 divided doses throughout the day. Why would you take it this way if the half life is at least 20hrs ?
Just trying to understand this drug. I see it works more on norepi than serotonin 3:2 which is much better than effexor or cymbalta which are 1:8 and 1:30 respectively. It seems Serotonin isn't my problem, so this is what were trying.
Thanks in advance as always,