Posted by satsumas on July 20, 2008, at 18:02:59
I'm talking to my doctor on Tuesday about trying Nardil or Parnate as I've gone through many rounds of med trials with nothing lifting my chronic atypical depression significantly except for Effexor, which put me at the edge of hypomania at 300mg and caused lots of compulsions and cravings, as well as generating a feeling of apathy. Tried Emsam, and while it gave me some pep, it caused terrible anxiety and didnt' give me the sense of calmness or positivity that effexor gave.I'm hoping that anyone with experience with Nardil and Parnate can help answer a few questions. Understand each person will respond differently, but from my research it seems as though Nardil is a bit more sedating, but pro-social, and Parnate is a bit more speedy, but harder-edged.
What med is more likely to help with giving me back DESIRE (romantic, achievement, etc.) and making me feel like I care about things again?
Effexor had a definite blunting of emotional affect effect. Do Naridl and Parnate share that effect with the SSRIs?
Nardil seems to be more does that mean there is a risk of me feeling blissed out, but in bed all day, happy to stay that way?
Which med, if either, would help treat (or exacerbate) constant, exhausting obsessive thoughts?
Parnate seems to be more stimulating but less social. Is there a risk of being "content" with the stimulating aspect of the drug, but still isolated?
How, precisely, is Nardil pro-social? I'm assuming via it's effect on anxiety, so the physical sensations, but people seem to say it does more than that....any insight would be helpful. And does Parnate share any of Nardil's prosociability effects?
What drug is less/more likely to cause cognitive dysfunction, if at all?
I'm always "in my head", often because I'm bored and/or lonely (because i'm not motivated to do things with friends, or the things I do do are so unpleasurable...classic depressive cycle). What med is more likely to get me "out of my head" and into the world and people around me?
If anyone has experience with Emsam and Nardil or Parnate, would love to hear subjective comparisions. For me, Emsam didn't help mood and didn't help take away obsessive thoughts as much as it gave me a bit of energy, motivation, and made me actually feel "smarter".
Thanks, know there is a lot of questions...but i am desperate for some relief...i've wasted so many years of the prime of my life.Satsuma