Posted by UGottaHaveHope on July 20, 2008, at 11:34:35
I wish there was a big message at the top of this board that said two things: 1) All medications may affect everyone differently [because we all have different body chemistry] and 2) medications that may affect you one way, they may affect you an entirely different way when combined with other meds.
The latter is definitely one thing that gets overlooked on this board, and it is something you must take in context when reading anything on here: Someone may say, Lyrica is greatest drug for X, or this other drug nearly put me in the hospital, etc. A lot of times, Lyrica or X drug may have not had the same effect if taken just alone.
Any way, I was curious to hear what were some of the worst med combos anyone has ever taken? Well, I guess I phrased that a little WRONG: What I meant, was there a med that worked well for you, but when combined when a different med, didn't have the same effect? If so, what was the med that caused everything to change? And when you discontinued that med, did you go back to feeling the way you did before you added that other med? Please, if possible, be specific as possible in naming the exact meds and dosages.