Posted by linkadge on June 25, 2008, at 20:07:39
In reply to High SSRI doses cause Long Term Anxiety ? LINKAGE, posted by Mike_Cohen_2 on June 24, 2008, at 17:25:35
There really aren't a whole lot of options. Most antidepressants doctors are comfortable prescribing affect the serotonin transporter.
Individuals with the SS varient tend not to gain much benefit from serotonin uptake inhibitors (probably cause their serotonin transporters are alreadly low). Its a lot more complex than this though so I take this research with a grain of salt.
Different SSRI's can sometimes affect people differently.
You could try wellbutirn, but its not great for anxiety. Some doctors will prescribe benzodiazapines or anticonvulsants for anxiety.
I guess the bottom line is that if SSRI's make things worse don't blame yourself. Unfortunately psychiatry is not at the point where it can adequately help everbody.