Posted by bleauberry on June 20, 2008, at 18:22:29
In reply to Re: Serequel and anger, posted by Mindy b on June 19, 2008, at 16:23:35
If I had to point a finger at the guilty one, it would be wellbutrin. Severe agitation and rage are not uncommon with wellbutrin. It is one of the more common side effects that can happen early in treatment, or it can mysteriously pop up months later. Sleep problems also. Mileage varies. It is a miracle drug for some people. It is rat poison to me and I'm not alone in that.
No matter what country you go to, paxil, prozac, zoloft, effexor, etc etc are antidepressants. Not so with wellbutrin. It is only a smoking cessation drug in some countries. Off topic, but just thought I would share that.
There have been a couple people here that reported uneasiness, anxiety, agitation kind of stuff with seroquel. Not common though. Maybe if seroquel is an agitation player with you, wellbutrin is aggravating it multifold?
Pure logic...if one was taking an antidepressant and was still quite depressed, why would one keep taking that drug? I don't get it. Just know there are many choices to replace it since it isn't doing you any good anyway, and maybe lots of bad. You won't know till it is stopped. You would not be the first to feel relief a week or two methodically weaning off it.
Obviously the biggest problem is the care you are getting. You might try just politely and respectfully, but very firmly, demanding a change. It helps to be specific and name a particular drug you want to try, why you want to, and to say you have definitely made up your mind to stop another specific one. Don't ask. Appointments are short. Take control and fill the time up with talk of a new direction. Don't give them time to spin the clock on your symptoms, what time of day you take your dose, what's going on in your life, etc etc. Every time the conversation steers away from where you want it to go, take the wheel and restart the conversation where you want it. That is...drug change. Be specific.
I've dealt with several GPS and 8 different psychiatrists. Most of them remind me of the one treating you. Firm, non-caring, unwilling to change course, unwilling to admit drug failure or drug-induced worsening. With the above tactful approach, I always got the prescription I wanted. They were probably shaking their heads as I left, but I didn't care. After that, they were always quicker to tend to my needs. Maybe when a patient is uneducated on drugs or doesn't have any idea where to go next, some doctors become complacent. But when you show you care and are taking a stake in the whole decision process, they begin to care.
I could be all wrong about wellbutrin, but my instincts say it is highly suspect in this whole scenario.