Posted by Sky Brite Line on June 17, 2008, at 21:47:41
I was initally put on Vyvanse which i posted is very unique, it takes an hour to start working, i have to take it before i get work.
I'm on the maximum dose and i have been on it about 7 days and its not working. Cant take double amount, which would be 140mg which i dont belive any doctor would tell a patient to take that amount.
The reason being i just notice less effects, its not noticeable, you get a feeling of "focus" and clear thoughts, but not any kind of "rush" aka Adderall, dexedrine.
But tommorow, its either the dose is upped to 100mg. Or going to back to dexedrine.
I dont know what going to happen......its really made me appriencious all day because my doctor may just say stay on the 70mg for a while when its not working.
See sometimes i do reqire long attention all day. My big problem is, in general people think im slow because i dont pay attention, ask again, and frustrates many people. Next is the Anxiety dread, and then panic attacks.
My doctor took me off Restoril completely. Put me on 100mg of Seroquel.
The anxiety I have and i want all of you to know, is its the unknown, and "sh*t always to me" (exuse my launguage). My mind is mentally programmed now to have anxiety, and worry. I never have peace.
But lets get to the bottem line, my doctor wants me to go down on Xanax, maybe off it. I feel im losing my mind during the day, everything is confusing in my head, later it will spiral in to psychical symtoms, pull over the car and vomit, headaches, depession, and a overall feeling dread.
poster:Sky Brite Line