Posted by Sky Brite Line on May 24, 2008, at 22:15:27
I havent been doing my job, responding back. But i can just say. I wished my life was better, but no pity parties, no boo-hoo (even at night when i take sleeping medication to take away all the "insignificat emotional pain" and insomnia.
I have been on alot of Benzodiaipines, and stimulants.
I really feel just mentally confused about alot of things, and i want out..... of the confusion.
I've already asked about barbiturutes for sleep, there out of the picture. And plus, danger.
I hate this abilify im taking because it litterly numbs me, to where i cant see reality as it is. It blocks it. 10mg-15mg.What do i do?
and again if you dont like the post.....i just couldnt think of anyhting intresting to say this time. Im mind numb.
poster:Sky Brite Line