Posted by bleauberry on May 3, 2008, at 19:33:58
I'm wondering if you have tried both effexor and cymbalta if one was much more preferred than the other? Did one work, the other didn't? Did one help, the other made you worse? Both worked the same? Side effects different from one to the other?
While they appear to be similar on paper, I have a gut feeling there are significant differences. For example, Effexor affects serotonin versus norepinephrine at a ratio of 30:1, where cymbalta is 9:1. Cymbalta is more potent on norepinephrine and more potent overall. But effexor has interplay with the opioid system, which I have seen no evidence on for cymbalta. I have often wondered if the unique opioid effect of effexor might be a major player in the viscious withdrawals from it. Another difference is the molecular structure of effexor is very similar to tramadol and also it is a substituted phenlethylamine? Whatever that means, I don't know.
Anyway, if you have tried both, would love to hear from you.