Posted by bulldog2 on April 18, 2008, at 15:50:00
After reading all the controvery over meds or no meds I realized how difficult it can be to determine the correct strategy to finding a cure for one's own depression.
In the age of the internet so much info is available on the internet. Some may be based in science and some mere conjecture.
There are so many avenues proposed as to the causes of depression. Some I've read are about are:
2.adrenals hormones
7.faulty thinking
8 genetics
9.etc.Now depression may be caused by one or any combination of the above. The problem is determining what is causing our depression and or anxiety with so much info available.
I've found that one can end up on an endless quest for a physical cause or a magic bullet to cure our depression. Once you have eliminated one cause you begin looking for another biological cause. The Problem is the quest becomes eternal as you keep looking for the magic bullet. The problem becomes greater if you begin bouncing around between looking for the magic bullet and trying medications and never really staying the course.
So how does one handle all this info now available without short circuiting our brains? Is there a reasonable strategy of eliminating physical issues before beginning a sometimes grueling routine of going the AD route?
If you follow every theory on the internet or in print you could end up on an eternal search for the magic bullet. So when do you stop and just say enough time looking for physical quick fixes and just give AD's a reasonable shot? In the past I've pestered my docs for every blood test in the world until they're ready to terminate you as a patient.
A patient needs some kind of methodical strategy to wade through all the possibilities..Anyone ever determine a good method of finding a solution in some kind of analytical methodolgy?