Posted by ADD:infoseeker on April 17, 2008, at 5:04:58
Hey guys...,names C.J...just registered to day...Just wanted to say hello... found the site...acidentally?..actualy(LOL)...googling the same question... Just wanted to say hello to evevery one....seems like there's a latta great info on hear..seemes like a great recourse,... like I said , I found the site..after trying folowng a thread I found on my google search(For info on Adderall) ...It was called "Adderall vs Ritalin" ; it was posted buy a guy named "Alejandro"..;it was posted ;RE:posed; to another guy nameed .."Maxime";I think he started the thread ...... The ;RE: post from "ALejandro" .. its what came up on my search ... and it had alot of very specific infoformation I was tying to find out about...,but,any way , there were no links to follow the answers:after; his post: just before ...I don't know if any of those guys are still on here.?? ; The post , was ,fom Waay back in April/05...Ethier way,..... I Hope u guys can help...MY MAIN QUESTION IS THIS: ... I'm considering goin on Aderall... for greater clairity,focus ,ect.. and I'm looking for advice?... ;-F.N...{I'm already taking; Strattera and an SSRI; for a diagnoses ADHD)..I'm curious about a COUPLE/SEVERAL- very-SPECIFIC perspectives on this?... ;But, FIRST and FORMOST,;.... I guess,..I'd be interested in :"ANY OPINION'S PERIOD".... , even in general, about-(ADERALL);that anyone on this site might think could be usefull.. woud B greatly appriciated!!! now...MORE SPECIFICLY: ...(1)any ones opinion's on it compares to other stim, med.'s.. (2)fellings on how it stacks up with taking w/ an SSRI, at same time?( wich I am...."zoloft" 200mg's/day-as a "2nd-line" med. 4 add ... cause I never cared 4 ritalin as a kid ...and that's all that was aval.)... (3).How about ,in concert w/ straterra (*wich I also take for about a year now <high dose too-125/150 mg's/day> .... WICH; is exacltly why I got int'd in ADDerall 1st place... sraterra works very well for me during ..most of the last year..but I have extremly bad allergies...and now seoans starting.. and ist's not doing the trick...OK ..(4)doses..??? i'm a qickmetabolisser n only responded to straterra at h,d.'s .... any suggestions if that's gonna tranlate into addrl. doses(5) also adderallxr or Fast acting? ..I know it's alot guys..but id realy appreciate any ifo.. you could give THANX C.J>