Posted by your#1fan on March 9, 2008, at 23:24:04
Listen, this is really hard on me. I going through the most WORST time right now. I cannot tell you what happened here, but it got out of hand. I am co-depenenent on my mother, and i must break this chain, I DO NOT NEED HER her, she loves me to much she is controlling my life, to a certain extent. This feeling of being in control kills me, im always considered a "side-kick" to a person than a actual person.
There is no other personalites (there actually coping tools) ts not gotten bad, but if it continues, i could not even be talking right now, it would be another dominant personality to cover myself. What it very afraid, i feel i have no control over my life. I'm very afraid, and i have to deal with it.
1)being mellow
2)not defending myself in arguents (exept when full-blown manic tear goes)
3)letting people walk over me
4)Constantly having to have people's approval "im proud of you" is the most best thing someone could ever say to me. But you see, i havent developed myown "im proud of myself".
5)Feeling fear alot because i cant handle reality.
6)I think i am developing a coping mechanism because the days i go through are so harsh on me, i never tell anyone the fear i feel inside.I MUST tell a psychologist on my campus again about this incident. I'm so afraid of life, i go through dissociation alot, feeling im not real, an egg cracking over my head, then the yolk going down my head (nerve feeling). The amount of stress i put myself through is not normal for a person.
I not suicidal, what happens, i feel im going to switch.
Rerember please be my fan