Posted by g_g_g_unit on March 9, 2008, at 1:14:19
In reply to Re: So confused about where to go next :(, posted by bleauberry on March 8, 2008, at 18:40:12
> There are so many causes of brain fog. Geez, where to start. Hey, if prozac helped but insomnia was a problem, why not take something for the insomnia instead of stopping the prozac? I guess you could try the lexapro and see. Either way, nothing is perfect. Almost everyone has side effects. It might be helpful to think of managing side effects rather than enduring them. Except in extreme cases insomnia is a pretty easy one to treat.
> Candida, parasites, hidden bacterial infection, food intolerances that have not been suspected or diagnosed (gluten being a common one), too many heavy metals in the body, cortisol too low, temporary or borderline or outright hypoglycemia, a diet with too much omega 6 oils and not enough omega 3 oils...all these things will cause serious brain fog.
> The candida, parasites, and bacteria are hard to diagnose because lab test are often negative or contradictory even when the person is heavily infected. These critters can hide real well but still spill massive doses of toxins in your bloodstream. Best bet is to treat them blindly and just assume you have them. Cortisol can be tested with a 24 hour 4 sample saliva test. Skip all foods with gluten (wheat, barley, oats, rye) for a week and see how you feel. Then eat them again and see if there is any difference. Some cortisol lab tests also include gluten intolerance as part of the package. Food intolerances are more common than suspected in my opinion. Other common ones are cassein (protein in dairy), corn, soy, nuts, shellfish. Brain fog is the primary symptom. A lab test can pinpoint everything you are sensitive to, but they are expensive at about $300. Get a cheap diabetic meter at the pharmacy and prick your finger a few times a day to see what your blood sugar is doing. Avoid hydrogenated oils (read the ingredients), and instead use olive oil and also supplement with flax oil and borage oil.
> Look at your teeth to see if you have any silver fillings. If yes, the mercury vapor rising off of them 24/7 is notorious for causing brain fog and messing with brain neurotransmitters too, in addition to screwing up just about everything in the body.
> When someone complains of brain fog and they are only looking to fix it with some psych drug, I personally think they are ignoring the body's cry to fix something that is wrong.
>thanks for your comprehensive post. assuming i did assume i had problems w/ candida, parasites, and bacteria, how would i treat them?
it's like sometimes i would think about my breathing and get scared and walk around hyperventilating. i was convinced i had a breathing disorder but when i tried to 'treat' it w/ breathing exercises etc. it just got worse because i was just feeding it further by paying attention to it. once i became indifferent or distracted by something else, the problem vanished. so part of me thinks this might be, as my doctor suggested, a self-fulfilling prophecy. like if i'm doing something like reading i will just suddenly became hyper-aware of what i'm doing which will derail the task at hand. so maybe if i just stopped trying to 'treat' it it would be okay. likewise i'm sure the anxiety of my memory getting worse will obvious make recall more difficult. i dont know. its such a fine line ...