Posted by your#1fan on February 19, 2008, at 23:46:22
I was thinking about this just a minute ago, (by the way anyone i havent responded to lately, dont worry i didnt forget)
We do things because there is
1) Its normal to get out of bed and work, study and stuff. But what happens when you dont want to, but you force yourself do these things. Which causes irrtiblity....
2)ADHD medication seem to increase reward feelings, like if your writing a paper, that motivation that you feel to write the paper is increased... all this deal with the dopamine therory.I have came up with a solution, maybe if you are ADHD, like alot times when im in class (collage) i'll think about other things, but im anxious at the same time, almost "obsessed" with getting the work done, but i drive myself to ways that are insane, like hopping around the classroom and asking other people "what did she say??"
I think if you just wake up and want dont really have any goals for the day, your depressed kinda of, or dont have any desires to do anything (apathy) Which i have woken up, and just wanted to just stare into space.....go back bed! But no there too much stuff to life, and getting envolved will always brighted your spirits up.
I always seem to think its an irony HEY KIDS BE "HIGH ON LIFE".........when i was in high school....i was like.........please shut up, where going to be adults eventually and i know that you are miserable at some point in your life, "yea im high on life" im manic? does that count?
I just hate people that are so enthusasic about life, and then when i really meet them, there judgmental. I see this at church alot.Anyways, yea im high on life.........i forced myself to get high because really i dont like living....(fan is usally not like this, but tonight im telling it like is for me)
I think when where at work, you think about........maybe food to eat when you go home, tv, go out to dinner have a nice evening, these things motivate us to do our job and work, so we have something to look forward to, unstead of work, sleep, wake up, same thing. I couldnt stand it!
What things do motivate you? to do work, or just have fun?
im a bit random here, but mostly the "whole of this post" is motivation and what motivates us to do things?