Posted by your#1fan on December 20, 2007, at 1:15:20
Hello yall! this is last time i can post because, i cant post 3 times in a row.
Umm....well this maybe would apply to Racer, phillipa, and others who have helped me out here. Polarbear. I.....have not been depressed lately, the Prozac and the Deplin with eachother at first did not work, i thought it was like taking Strattera with Prozac. It evened out. Im doing as good as i was back this summer.
Prozac stopped having anxious symtoms on me. It just went away.......maybe because of Zyprexa leveled it out. Im on a 7.5mg dose of Zyprexa (mood stabilizer). Im much more calm, but i have less enthusasim. I dont like that part.
Listen, um..... i really want to be a part of psychobabble, you know post to others and help. But im just going through just sometimes right now, i get, think about my life. And no im not trying to come across "selfish". I was tell myself the other day, "you should tell other people who need help, advice".
Just some undisclosed issues. That are not important.
I would like to say to every poster here to stay in there. And i think this website is grand.
Link i totally agreed with your waking up at "7"pm. I do that at 6. Something we have in common.
Anyways...thats all i can think about right now.
Thanks, im doing fine for now.
But if you want to ask some questions, please ask.