Posted by torachan on November 1, 2007, at 0:21:54
Since nearly every doctor says benzos are not good for long term anxiety treatment of anxiety, which med would be a good stand alone treatment of chronic anxiety. And I don't believe that my anxiety is chronic due to the rebound effect of benzo withdrawl. I just insticually feel the condition is permanent especially when the onset of my illness manifested itself in panic attacks. When you've experienced repeated panic attacks you just know there is a deep underlying problem that's not simply situational.
So, if I told you I had chronic anxiety, slight resultant depression and sleeplessness, mixed with an odd personality bordering on schizoid in nature, what med would you recommend? I've tried SSRI'S, having the most success with Effexor, but I just feel the answer doesn't lie there.
I was thinking a very small dose of Seroquel should, from what I've heard, enable me to kick the benzo, and this med should control the anxiety and help sleep.
How about just a sleep drug like zopiclone or zoplidem?
Any thoughts? I don't understand the benefit in me taking an AD when I'm convinced my main issue is anxiety.
Anyone care to enlighten me. And yes I'll be seeking a psychiatric evaluation, but I need to wait a considerable length of time so I want to be prepared to make some informed suggestions.