Posted by your#1fan on October 3, 2007, at 23:56:07
I swear you guys just 2 20mg pills in the morning and im normal as can be, there is no depression, depression has been like removed from any of my feelings.
Well, i believe im going on Lithium because, prozac during the middle of the day when im at my stress peak, i get a little unstable.
Can prozac keep you awake? first all there, i take some benzo's to sleep, i had to take one today because i thought i was losing my calmed me down but not, it just caused sedation, not mind sedation.
I think i do need to go on to Lithium really.... everyone in my class says my energy waves are sparatic... i just say anything off the top of my mind....ROFL.
I've already known what benzo's do, they calm you down when something bad is happening, but when your thoughts bother you i think its best to have a antimanic. Like Lithium
What does Lithium..........feel like....
(im scared) go hide in shower....ROFL!