Posted by your#1fan on October 1, 2007, at 13:41:30
In reply to Re: Which SSRIs increase dopamine too? » tecknohed, posted by Phillipa on October 1, 2007, at 13:14:23
Yes do a degree for some reason SSRI's do increase i little amount of dopamine i heard. Because it eventaully stops the reptake of serotonin. Then dopamine comes out.
Amphetamines do boost confidence, a false feeling of confidence because of the dopamine that is released in the nerve synapse. D-amphetamine, if used in prescribed doses helps with your concentration with work, and your confidence in your work also. Recretational doses make you do things that you dont ever do, go all over the place, or really get hyped up about alot of things.
They are additive.
Thats why alot of people ask if there is dopamine antidepressants, so it makes things more intresting.