Posted by meAgain on September 30, 2007, at 1:42:59
I asked my doc to switch me from cymbalta to luvox but she said they dont even prescribe luvox anymore..but i know it would help me with my ocd and eating she ended up adding seroquel to my cymbalta. I also asked to take anafrinil because that med worked great for my ocd about 10 yrs ago but she said no docs really use it for their patients. So does this mean I cant get these drugs?? i am confused.. she keeps trying me on all antisyhcotics and they make my depression worse because i am a zombie when i take them..i want to be alert so i can get my life together..any suggestions? then she mentioned lithium to try if seroquel didnt work. I need some feed back because i am so lost ..or do i just trust what wants me to take?