Posted by Kneeko on September 16, 2007, at 23:17:57
Hi everyone, Ive tried 28 Depression and except for Nardil and Tramadol, none of them have worked Anxiety, the anti-depressants were mainly Paxil, Lexapro, Wellbutrin, Remeron, Imipramine, Desipramine, Nardil, and Parnate. As well as most of the anti-Anxiety drugs Klonopin, Xanax, Ativan and some anti-psychotic stabilizers Lamictal, Lithium and Zyprexa and combinations of these. The only thing that has really kept my going is exercise and thai boxing(alone most of the time). The Nardil made me go hypomanic once, worked the second time and plain didn't work with and without augmentation the 3rd and 4th times. (Tramadol the tolerance rose too fast The anxiety medications just make me sleep at this point.
At this point having looked at most of med ratings sites and having seen very few things of interest I was thinking of only a few more things, At this point life is so depressing I dont worry about ECT so if you have any hard info on its efficacy or usefulness on anxiety it is much appreciated, Buprenorphine and maybe Effexor. Was wondering any of you have figured out strategies to make it out of these situations. Most of you seem to know more then my doctor(well the long term crew) so thankyou!