Posted by Meri-Tuuli on September 2, 2007, at 15:23:00
In reply to so far 2 say Zoloft, 1 prozac, and one Lexapro?, posted by Happyflower 1 :-) on September 2, 2007, at 14:23:48
I would say, try St John's Wort. Its really good and just as effective as the conventional SSRI ADs, but without any of the scary side effects (like weight gain, and bone loss, and things like that). I've tried both conventional ADs (celexa, prozac, wellbutrin, a reversible MAOI) and St John's wort was the best. You do need to treat it like a conventional med through - it needs a proper taper, and you need to watch for drug interactions, and stuff like that.
Actually, it was my family doctor that suggested it to me in the first place. Our docs in the UK don't have the pressures from drug sales reps that the docs do in the US do (or so I'm led to believe) so they are free to suggest things that aren't actually marketed by Big Pharma.
Anyway, about the PMS thing - I find magnesium supplements really really help with my PMS. I even know when I'm getting PMS that I'm low in magnesium. Magnesium is just as important as calium, but it doesn't get all the attention, poor magnesium. Do you also get random little muscle twitches?
So. I would give both magnesium and St John's Wort a try. Or even rhodiola.....that too, is really great mood booster. You'll lose weight on that for sure, and its actually good for you, I mean contains lots of nice plant chemicals that help your body funciton better....anyway.
If you need anymore help, head over to alternative......