Posted by devunea on May 10, 2007, at 16:02:07
It is not often discussed on the boards, from what ive read. When I keep seeing people posting about how meds dont work and how their symptoms are not relieved.I take Klon. myself and am actually one of the most anxious people around.
So if we have been dx'ed with something, in my instance first OCD, then GAD, the SAD then I said enough. Thinking the ocd was directly related I treated the anxiety with klon. i had to fight to not take ad's. so 5 years later i find myself in much of the same predicament. i know i am less anxious but my life hasn't progressed the way i had anticipated upon being "cured" from medical treatment and therapy.
As I feel many of you, I too love to hear, "I started cymbalta, never felt better. I am myself again., etc." but for the most part we are just asking ourselves why its not all better because of medicine and therapy.
there are so many people that are diagnosed somewhere on the autistic spectrum. you know the stats, 1 in 150. and these are the diagnosed. what about the undiagnosed and those that have some traits on the spectrum and some other forms of ed.
how many pbabbles are here? i really dont know but if the odds are 1 in 150.
i have this genetically in my family, as well as other ed's. so as one that has seen people dealing with this, and feel quite certain i am on the spectrum myself. most probably high functioning autistic or aspergers syndrome.
autistic people basically consider themselves to not be NT (Neurotypical)
the way i understand it is that the brain is possibly wired a little differently than NT people. and they make adjustments to lifestyle rather than sit at home in bed waiting for a med to kick in. and i do understand that. i have hibernated more times than i had wished. but if i hadn't been waiting, would i have moved on sooner.
and i know some of the people on the spectrum are home bound, on ssdi, cannot live on their own, take medicine to help with their other disorders.
ok i can go on and on.
point is look at the autistic spectrum disorders and traits and see how many coincide with depression, anxiety, ocd, bipolar. etc.
i am no scientist and so i cannot carry on a post about the brains wiring and why and how to fix it.
i just keep thinking about this and never had the energy or thoughts to post it all. if you got this far i am anxious for your response.
but thank god for meds. i am no tom cruise.