Posted by rjlockhart on April 28, 2007, at 16:41:58
I had a somewhat hypomanic tear i didnt know what was happening.
Everone i apologize for any hostile reactions back. My face was so red, i was so, my eyes where wide, i just couldnt stop posting. Argueing, when i get in a bipoler state it changes me....
I sincerly apologize to polerbear, after that i just crashed, well actually it got worse after it, i went with some friends and ,....... felt i was leaving reality, i thought i was going to have sieuze, that night was not good. I should of went to hostpital. But i didnt becuase this RARELY or never has happened before,
Who you where talking to was not me, it was another state of mind i was in. Im not like that, but i felt i was under attack, people after me, i felt i had to defend or say something back.
I deeply regret what i did. But you know you guys, thank you for your advice. I have got to go lay down right now, Prozac is making just nuts, in the morning its fine i feel ok, a stimulanted, later i feel agaited, feeling im going to have a sizure.
I will calmly try to babblemail some people.
This was just an episode out of no know. I didnt know what to do, it wasnt bad enought where i thought i needed to run to the hospital, espeically when i fine out it was nothing, and then get charged like 4000 dollers.
Thank you and i got your babble polerbear.
Phillipa, me and you have not talked in so long. Im not leaving im just going through just life, but thank you for responding to mostly everyone of my posts.
Ok im going to lay down.
Thank you