Posted by FredPotter on March 19, 2007, at 22:08:00
Some advice says NO CHEESE! (Three Men in a boat all over again). The more discerning advice says it's aged cheese you need to avoid. Cottage cheese is OK (if you like eating ectoplasm), but not my favourite (Gorgonzola). I think Edam would be OK, but don't know. Any advice?
Some says NO ALCOHOL! But it's alcohol with yeast still in it that causes the problem I think. That would include tap beer, while bottled, clear beer is probably OK. I even read that some red wine is OK in moderation (like half a cup (why bother?)) and similary white wine BUT NO CHIANTI. I can live with that. OK my trips to Sienna will be a bit less exciting but you can't have everything.
Is what I'm saying reliable or dangerous?