Posted by Ines on March 15, 2007, at 13:51:39
In reply to Re: Isn't the NHS great?, posted by Meri-Tuuli on March 15, 2007, at 12:56:55
Thanks for your posts guys! They've really made a difference in cheering me up.
I used to think the NHS was great until I actually had to start using it... The concept is great but they seriously need to reconsider their attitute to mental illness. It's like you say Meeri, the level of suffering due to prolongued mental illness must be far greater than a lot of other nasty things combined. I think someone who's never experienced it just doesn't get how horrible it is. It makes me really angry that they can abuse someone who goes and asks for help; I mean, it would be completely unacceptable for a GP to make a cancer patient feel embarrassed and belittled by their condition, and yet that was just what I was made to feel like today. I suppose it's something to do with the british stiff upper lip thing- you're supposed to grin and bear it and if you don't manage it it's considered weak. The ironical thing is it took me over 10 years to seek any kind of help exactly because I felt like I should be able to sort it out on my own....
Quintal, I discovered codeine a while ago when I had a bad tooth and was waiting to have a root canal done- it was great, I was in pain but couldn't care less about it! Maybe it's time to have tooth pain again ;-)