Posted by polarbear206 on February 7, 2007, at 8:28:05
In reply to Re: Diff between anxiety, akathesia, dysphoric mania?, posted by polarbear206 on February 7, 2007, at 8:24:20
> > How do you tell the different between anxiety, akathesia, and dysphoric mania? When I read descriptions of them, I swear I have all of them, mixed in with anhedonic withdrawn depression. Can't tell one from the other. Since the only med I am taking is 5mg cymbalta (that's right, 5mg), I can't see it being akathesia unless I have become really sensitive.
> >
> > I'm just real nervous. Can't relax. Hard to be in a conversation. Feel disconnected. Mind racing with worries, worries that I recognize as being ridiculous and silly, so I try to talk myself calm with reality but it doesn't work. Even in the face of plenty of evidence the worries are stupid and groundless they just go on.
> >
> > No real physical symptoms except for a butterflies-in-the-stomach kind of feeling. No panic at all. I appear calm on the outside to anyone looking at me. But on the inside I am a wreck.
> >
> > This was all there to a small extent before cymbalta, but has been massively magnified on cymbalta, even at just 5mg.
> >
> > If I could figure out if I have anxiety, or if this anxiety is a component of my depression, or if this is a dysphoric soft bipolar mania sparked by cymbalta, or if this is some sort of soft paranoia, it would sure help in knowing what direction to go with meds. Cymbalta has helped in two ways...haven't had a crying spell in a while, though I feel close sometimes; and my afternoon sinking fatigue is gone. One bad side drive is through the roof. Too much. Not normal. Can't get it off my mind.
> >
> > How do you tell the difference?
> Blueberry,
> This is exactly what I went through. This kind of anxiety is paralyzing. Remember what you read in that link I sent your way. Anxiety, Paranoia if it is intensified, a mood stabilizer will eliminate this and will enable your AD to work the way it should. Your missing an important ingredient. Do a search on Pubmed on Dr Akiskal for related articles.
> Polarbear